Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
Your sponsorship and attendance will help pay it forward to support MCC’s dedication to preserving Micronesia’s resources and cultures. With your support and partnership, you are making a difference! Your support enables us to continue our important conservation work. This enables us to offer and expand our critical conservation education services through classroom sessions, seminars, fieldwork, research, and presentations.
Please see sponsorship packages on the following page, and submit this form to the Micronesian Conservation Coalition via email at [email protected].
Sign-up prior to November 15, 2024 to meet deadlines for full-scale promotional material inclusion (hint: large out-of-home display opportunity!), and ensure your preferred sponsorship level.
Title Wave Sponsor: $20,000
This sponsorship level is first come, first serve, as our exclusive Title sponsor of the event. Includes:
- Exclusive “Industry Right to Sponsor” – upon submission of sponsorship, MCC will stop outreach to all other companies in your industry
- Exclusive “Conservation Presentation” presented by MCC to selected individuals of company’s choice highlighting lessons learned and potential impact of recent research
- (2) VIP 10-seat tables at prime location at the event
- Exclusive Pre-Gala Sponsor Mixer including special access to entertainment, photographer, and (2) Complimentary Signature Cocktails per attendee the 30 minutes prior to Doors Open at the event
- Placement of Extra-Large Partnership Logo and Mention equal to MCC on all Pre-Event Promotional Materials – press releases, media promotion, posters, social media, etc.
- Placement of Extra-Large Partnership Logo and Mention equal to MCC on all Event Materials
- Exclusive Partnership Program Talking Rights – up to 5 minutes of air time during the program to highlight your company’s conservation efforts
- Tide Changer Award – MCC will award your company an exclusive Tide Changer Award for your significant partnership during the event
- (1) Special VIP Gift per attendee
Manta Sponsor: $10,000
This sponsorship level is for all organizations dedicated to conservation efforts in the region. Includes:
- (1) VIP 10-seat table at the event
- Exclusive Pre-Gala Sponsor Mixer including special access to entertainment, photographer, and (1) Complimentary Signature Cocktails per attendee the 30 minutes prior to Doors Open at the event
- Placement of Large Partnership Logo and Mention on all Pre-Event Promotional Materials – press releases, media promotion, posters, social media, etc.
- Placement of Large Partnership Logo and Mention on all Event Materials
- (1) Special VIP Gift per attendee
Coral Reef Sponsor: $5,000
This sponsorship level is for organizations doing all they can to do their part in supporting conservation efforts in the region. Includes:
- (1) 10-seat table at the event
- (1) Complimentary Signature Cocktail per attendee at the event
- Placement of Medium Partnership Logo and Mention on all Pre-Event Promotional Materials – press releases, media promotion, posters, social media, etc.
- Placement of Medium Partnership Logo and Mention on all Event Materials
This is an option that can be selected individually or added on to a sponsorship level that donates seats at the gala to cover the cost of youth, volunteers, and staff who are helping coordinate the event. This does not include a seat for you or your guests, but instead donates a seat to an individual who has contributed to making the event a success. Options to sponsor include:
OPTION 1 – Half table (5 seats): $475
OPTION 2 – Full table (10 seats): $950
Both seat sponsorships include:
- Placement of Small Partnership Logo and Mention on all Pre-Event Promotional Materials – press releases, media promotion, posters, social media, etc.
- Placement of Small Partnership Logo and Mention on all Event Materials
Tide Changer Award Nominations
Micronesian Conservation Coalition (MCC) will honor five (5) outstanding Tide Changers from our community at the 2025 Ocean Gala to be held at the Hyatt Regency Guam on March 15, 2025. MCC is accepting nominations for community members who contribute to changing the tides in support of sustainability for our oceans. Complete this form and submit your nomination via email to [email protected] by February 15, 2025. Nominations will be voted on by the MCC Board.
A Tide Changer is someone who has:
- Positively reinforced cultural community connections to our ecosystems,
- Contributed to significantly improving Micronesian island habitats,
- Strengthened conservation management practices,
- Implemented strategies that significantly reduce environmental burden in Micronesia, and/or
- Been a motivating force to gather community members for culturally competent conservation.
One person will be chosen in each of the following categories:
Hospitality | Small Business | Community Advocate | Youth | Educator
Email [email protected] to nominate with the following information:
- Tide Changer Category
- Nominee’s Name, Nominee’s Title / Position, Nominee’s Phone Number, Nominee’s Email Address
- Sponsor’s Name, Sponsor’s Title, Sponsor’s Phone Number, Sponsor’s Email Address
- One-paragraph description of the nominee’s environmental efforts and why they should be recognized with the Tide Changer Award
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